Tending male fire

October 3-6, 2024
May 23-26, 2025
October 2-5,2025

ashland, or

Male Fire: a man's innate life force, his source of power, his inner flame.

Untended, male fire can become like wildfire— raging out of control and often destroying what is in its path. Or, it can dwindle down into weak flames and embers, eventually burning out. Well-tended, however, a man's fire can be a source of strength, solidity, creativity and light for himself, his family, friends, and community. 

Tending Male Fire is a four day and three night wilderness retreat for men only. We'll dive deeply into three critical aspects of male fire and healthy masculinity: Anger, Grief, and Power. In a strong, supportive circle of brothers, you'll experience the healthy release of anger; anger, which so often covers the softer emotions beneath. You’ll learn the tools of grief-tending and feel the relief of its release. Feeling freer with these weights off your shoulders, you’ll receive guidance and support to better know your power and its healthy manifestation in the world.

This retreat weekend is facilitated by skilled guides, Booster Blake and Rob Miller, along with experienced support staff. Ibrahim Sory Sylla, spectacular drummer and acrobat from Guinea, will play drums for the ceremonies as well as lead movement for men. Tending Male Fire will take place at the Baldy Creek Wilderness Camp near Buckhorn Springs, outside of Ashland, OR. Delicious, organic breakfasts and dinners and on site camping are included. Participants must be self-sufficient with camping gear. They may alternatively acquire separate accommodation in the Ashland area at their own expense. 

Rob Miller, Guide

Details and registration

Next Date: October 3-6, 2024

When: Arrival between 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Orientation 5:00pm. Finished by 3:00 p.m. on the final day.

Where: Baldy Creek Wilderness Camp, near Ashland, Oregon. Set on private, wooded land. We will camp near a creek in this gorgeous setting.

Tiered Cost: Review our Tiered Equity Pricing page to understand which tier to pay. A short summary can be seen at the bottom of this page.

Tier One: $360 - $580 (only select this option if Tiers 2, 3 or 4 are a true financial hardship for you.)

Tier Two: $600 - $880

Tier Three: $900 - $1,300

Tier Four: $1,350 - $2,000 or more

Includes organic breakfasts and dinners, and on-site camping.

Participants: Max group number 40. For men ages 18 and older.

Guides: Rob Miller and Booster Blake


Please take a moment to review our refund policy.



information on tiered pricing

Choosing Your Amount

Identify which of the statements below best reflects your financial reality. Compare that with your reflections from the questions and initiatives on the Tiered Equity Pricing page. Then choose the amount to pay by looking at the tiered pricing breakdown on the webpage of the program you would like to enroll in.

First Tier: It is important for me or my child to attend, yet paying Tier Two—even in several monthly installments— will undermine our household’s ability to pay our rent, clothe ourselves, buy medicine, and otherwise meet our basic needs for survival.

*Note that this tier is for those experiencing true financial hardship. If Tier Two was the fixed price and you could pay it, Tier One is not for you.

Second Tier: This expense does not jeopardize my ability to meet my basic needs. Rather, this amount will cause me to weigh between this and other discretionary spending (e.g. concerts, eating out, retreats, outdoor gear, updating household items, etc.) as I choose how to spend my limited income and savings.

Third Tier: I am sufficiently financially secure to pay this amount. It does not jeopardize my ability to meet my basic needs nor significantly limit my activities and purchases. I may have to account for it, but I can afford it.

*Note that this tier represents the average needed for this program to support Cascadia Quest’s basic health and maintenance.

Fourth Tier: I can pay this or more with relative ease. I have freedom when it comes to choosing how I spend my money. I rarely have to consider the price tag on something that I want, besides large ticket items. I am in a position to be generous with my money.

*Note that this tier supports Cascadia Quest’s basic health and maintenance while creating opportunities for other participants and our organization’s growth.

 Equity, Marginalization, and Historical Oppression

We understand that for some peoples, the playing field is not and historically has not been level. It is always an uphill climb. In order to bring more equity to this situation, we offer those who identify as being in an historically marginalized or oppressed population to pay an amount in a tier lower than their current financial reality, if they choose to.

Photo by Surya Miller


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