Day Quest: a wholistic journey


Elijah Bristow State Park, Dexter, OR

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.
— John Muir

Allow nature to take you on a walk.

Our Day Quests create the container for an empowering journey that exercises the parts of the human spirit seeking connection, wisdom, and witness. It is a time to look to Nature as a wise counselor. A time for reflecting deeply on your personal path. A time to share your story without interruption or receiving unsolicited advice.

Each Day Quest begins with time sitting in council, a practice of group sharing that involves speaking and listening from the heart in a talking circle. Then our guides will share about the Four Shields Medicine Wheel as it pertains to the present season. After, participants will leave the group to have ceremonial walking time on the land, during which they will be able to seek counsel in Nature. Finally, back in the group setting, each participant will have a chance to tell the story of their walk— in a way a parable of their life path— and receive mirroring that reflects the gifts those stories contain.

If you are willing to put your feet on the earth with humility; are longing to have a facilitated container for connection; want to reflect more deeply on your present goals and struggles; or curious about what makes Community, Nature, and Spirit so special, then this walk is for you. For some people, these Day Quests are moving and for others, surprisingly life-changing. 

Photo by Surya Miller

Day quests are led by trained Cascadia Quest guides and take place in wilderness areas near Eugene, OR. They are a great way to get a taste of wilderness rites of passage, prepare for an upcoming rite of passage, or support incorporation from a past rite of passage.

Reconnect with the wisdom of nature and community as an antidote to the anxiety of our times.

Upcoming Dates: TBA

Location: Elijah Bristow State Park, Dexter, Oregon

Guides: Debra Braun and Hanna Scholz

Participants: Max 10 participants. Ages 13 and up.

Cost: Review our Tiered Equity Pricing page to understand which tier to pay. For a quick summary, scroll to the end of this page.

Tier One: less than $75 (fill out this form to be eligible)

Tier Two: $75

Tier Three: $140

Tier Four: $210 or more   

Register now by paying through the portal below. For youth under 18 years old, please fill out this form after payment.


information on tiered pricing

Choosing Your Amount

Identify which of the statements below best reflects your financial reality. Then choose the amount to pay by looking at the answers from your reflection, along with other factors that will help determine the price that feels right for you.

First Tier: It is really important for me to attend, yet it hurts to pay this amount of money. I may have to decide between attending the program and meeting my basic needs (e.g. rent, food, etc.)

Second Tier: This expense does not jeopardize my ability to meet my basic needs; still, I may have to make sacrifices (e.g. concerts, eating out, replacing items, buying new things. etc.) as I choose how to spend my money.

Third Tier: I am sufficiently financially secure to pay this amount. It does not jeopardize my ability to meet my basic needs nor significantly limit my activities and purchases. I may have to account for it, but I can afford it.

*Note that this tier represents the average needed for this program to support Cascadia Quest’s basic health and maintenance.

Fourth Tier: I can pay this or more with relative ease. I have freedom when it comes to choosing how I spend my money. It is rare for me to need to consider a financial “sacrifice”. I am in a position to be generous with my money.

*Note that this tier supports Cascadia Quest’s basic health and maintenance while creating opportunities for other participants and our organization’s growth.

Equity, Marginalization, and Historical Oppression

We understand that for some peoples, the playing field is not and historically has not been level. It is always an uphill climb. In order to bring more equity to this situation, we offer those who identify as being in an historically marginalized or oppressed population to pay an amount in a tier lower than their current financial reality, if they choose to.